Employee Intrapreneurship Scale: adaptation and validation in the Romanian working population


  • Luca Tisu Department of Psychology, West University of Timisoara
  • Zselyke Pap Department of Psychology, West University of Timisoara
  • Delia Virga Department of Psychology, West University of Timisoara




Employee Intrapreneurship Scale, intrapreneurship, CFA, scale adaptation, validity


The present article includes two studies that have tested the reliability and validity of the Romanian adaptation of the Employee Intrapreneurship Scale (EIS). Intrapreneurship is a relatively novel concept describing proactive behaviors through which employees contribute to the growth and development of organizations they are employed in. The factorial structure and gender invariance of the EIS have been tested in the first sample, including 307 employees with diverse occupational backgrounds. The factorial structure was cross-validated in a second sample, including 122 employees with a similar composition. The second study also established convergent validity of the scale through testing its’ associations to risk-taking, innovativeness, and proactive personality. Discriminant validity was tested using the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) procedure. The results have confirmed a factor structure whereby employee intrapreneurship is composed of two latent indicators: strategic renewal and corporate venturing. Reliability indices and factor loadings have shown a consistent and valid measure of intrapreneurship at the employee level. Furthermore, the concept showed significant positive associations to other constructs in the nomological network, and the AVE indicated satisfactory discriminant validity. Overall, these studies provide a psychometrically valid measure to be used in intrapreneurship research in Romanian organizations.


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How to Cite

Tisu, L. ., Pap, Z. ., & Virga, D. (2021). Employee Intrapreneurship Scale: adaptation and validation in the Romanian working population. Psihologia Resurselor Umane, 19(2). https://doi.org/10.24837/pru.v19i2.495

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