Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ): Analysis of the Romanian Adaptation and Validation
Psychological Capital Questionnaire, psychological capital, confirmatory factor analysis, validity, reliabilityAbstract
Two studies were performed to test the reliability and validity of Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ) on the Romanian population. Psychological Capital (PsyCap) is a personal resource, which is associated with positive individual and organizational outcomes, such as well-being and performance. The main aim of the first study was to validate the Romanian version of PCQ. The second study tested to convergent and discriminant validity between PsyCap and other constructs, such as Big Five personality traits, well-being, and performance. Factor structure of PCQ was examined using confirmatory factor analysis on a sample of 665 of Romanian employees. The results indicate that the fit indices for PCQ are relatively adequate. The internal consistency estimates had values ranged from good to high (α = .72-.91) for the four dimensions of PsyCap and the omnibus concept, indicating overall fair reliability. The construct validity analysis was conducted on 304 employees and revealed that PsyCap is associated with personality dimensions, well-being, and performance. As a practical implication, PCQ is reliable to be used in the Romanian organizational context.
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