Work-family enrichment of dual-earner couples: a longitudinal study on the effects of personal resources


  • Alina Matei
  • Delia Virga Universitatea de Vest, Timisoara



work, dual-earner, psychological capital,


The current study investigated the dyadic longitudinal interaction between psychological capital as a personal resource
and work-family enrichment. Work-family enrichment is a positive transfer by both men and women from the home
domain's job experience. The study involved 129 couples with a broad age range measured at two measurement occasions
spaced three months apart. The design was built on the Work-Home Resources and Spillover-Crossover models. The
analyses applied in this study were based on Actor–Partner Interdependence Models and extended Common Fate Models.
Psychological capital is a predictor of the interpersonal (between partners) and intrapersonal (within the self) level for
WFE in the models conducted on dyadic data. Furthermore, shared work-family enrichment predicted shared
psychological capital from both partners. Thus, personal resources predicted work-family enrichment three months later.
Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.


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How to Cite

Matei, A., & Virga, D. (2020). Work-family enrichment of dual-earner couples: a longitudinal study on the effects of personal resources. Psihologia Resurselor Umane, 18(2).

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