Psychological capital, health, and performance: the mediating role of burnout
psychological capital, burnout, health, performanceAbstract
Psychological capital (PsyCap) is a state-like concept with roots in positive psychology. This study investigated the potential role of PsyCap, as a personal resource, in increasing the level of employees’ health (mental and physical) and performance. Based on the Job Demand-Resources theory, the mediating effect of burnout was examined using self-report data. The models were tested on 304 Romanian employees (51% women) from Information Technology & Communications (IT&C) companies, using structural equation modeling. The analysis found that burnout partially mediates the relationship between PsyCap and health (mental and physical) as well as the relationship between PsyCap and performance (task and contextual). The results highlight the role of PsyCap, as a personal resource, in health, and performance. These results are useful for implementing an evidence-based intervention to improve the level of PsyCap in IT&C employees. An improvement in PsyCap would reduce burnout and enhance well-being and performance. This study highlights the mediating role of burnout in the relationship between psychological capital and two distinct outcomes: health and performance. Thus, this research helps identify further mediators of the relation between PsyCap and health and performance.
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