Modelul Big Five al personalității: abordări teoretice si modelarea empirică a unui chestionar standardizat


  • Alexandra Macarie Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza
  • Ticu Constantin Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza
  • Alina Orzan Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza
  • Loredana Constantin Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza
  • Anca Fodorea Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza



personality evaluation, Big Five model, content validity


The aim of the present study was designing a local standardized questionnaire for evaluating traits of personality, following the Big Five model. The questionnaire was built for applying in organizations and to resist social desirability. The theoretical background used in the construction of the questionnaire were part of the Big Five model for personality evaluation. The methods used in this study were specific to the construction and primary validation of a questionnaire: defining the factors, designing the items, verifying the content validity (expert testing). The constructed questionnaire was completed by 524 subjects from the general population. The results confirm the existence of five personality factors, as defined by the authors: sociability, incertitude, persistance, altruism and openness. These factors correspond to the 5 factors described in speciality literature. The study also analyzed the relations the five factors have with significant traits of personality measured by other psychological questionnaires which were applied along with our questionnaire (introversion - extraversion, emotional stability - neuroticism, originality, efficiency, conformism). We also described the differences between the scores for the five factors depending on age, gender, studies and income.


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Author Biographies

Alexandra Macarie, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza

Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi

Ticu Constantin, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza

Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi

Alina Orzan, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza

Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi

Loredana Constantin, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza

Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi

Anca Fodorea, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza

Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi


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How to Cite

Macarie, A., Constantin, T., Orzan, A. ., Constantin, L., & Fodorea, A. (2020). Modelul Big Five al personalității: abordări teoretice si modelarea empirică a unui chestionar standardizat. Psihologia Resurselor Umane, 6(2), 61–74.

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